Some fun things that happened over the last couple months.
While the girls were making bracelets dad was doing the girls hair for the first time.
Sam in sport class
Khmer New Year party at school
Pinata is also common in the Khmer culture
Raffle gifts
10 grade potluck
New Year dinner at the pool
Calvary Chapel El Monte's first full visit was an incredible blessing to us. I was personally very sad to see leave.
Our first Teacher conference was put on by HOPE: Global
60 teachers were present over the 3 days. We've seen a lot of fruit from this team.
Secondary classes
Computer classes
Group Pic.
Clearing out the pond. The last harvest of fish.
Back filling the pond making way for future ball courts
Pulling down the chicken coup and removing the pig pens.
Classrooms going up
Team house nearly complete.
Back yard being planted out
New rain tanks put in and in use 30,000 liters
Side gardens raised and planted
I am hoping the next post will be a lot of completed projects.
Small foot note there are still some financial request to the link on the right.
If your interested.