Friday, March 22, 2013

Prepairing for the Next School Year

Plans for the next school year - October 2013 

Plan on the left in GREEN is the additions hoping to be made.  

On the right is the existing lay out.
The plan on the right show buildings labeled K and P where built in 2012 but we realize we can extend them 5 meters and get 4 classes instead of  2 while saving a bit of money.
On the right plan the building labeled 1 is a much older building to be removed and replaced.

ON the left NEW Plan 
We will also add another split unit labeled 4 and 5.
We will add grades 7, 8 and 9 where we had grades 3, 4 and 5 last year.
We are also moving 6th grade out from upstairs to below where 2nd grade was giving us back our teacher lounge and supply room or possible computers.

We will probably also have to make changes to the restrooms (not shown).
We hope to add some seating areas and more play equipment.

2012-2013 school year;
So right now we have settled at 238 students.  
18 of them are from the orphanage and 
We have 12 children that received scholarships this year.  
We have 9 paid staff/ teachers
We have 4 volunteers (includes Ream and I)

2013 - 2014 school year;
So in October we will add the junior high classes 7,8 and 9.
We will add a second pre-k and kinder class in the afternoon.
We will be able to accept 416 students but expect less because some of the parent .
We should have I believe around 17 staff.
We will also be able to educate 27 of our children from the orphanage
and expect to give out a good number of scholarship next year.  

We are expecting the new buildings will cost close to $16,000 complete.

We will also need furnishings like desks for the kids and teachers. 
Probably another $2,500 for desks and chairs.

If you'd like to help us out with these costs please let us know as all of this growth hinges on what help we can get by August.
You can email us with questions about the project or about donating.
Also there is a paypal link on our web page but there are fees associated with paypal.

Thank you for giving this a thought or sharing it with someone else.
