Friday, May 17, 2013


We would like to increase our sponsor waiting list.

What is the sponsor waiting list?  
This is a list a person it placed on who has expressed thier interest in sponsoring a child, but there is no available child at that moment that needs a sponsor.

We as much as possible like to keep a close relationship between the sponsor and the child and encourage their relationship to carry on after they've left the orphanage.  We'd like to see the sponsors help the child into and though college and maybe on through life, because once and orphan they will always be an orphan.   We hope that the relationship created between the sponsor and the child can become, in small way  something they can call their family.  Don't let the word college scare you, it's only $300 to $1000 a year most of the time and a normal sponsor funds can stay pretty much the same and be of great help.
The main reason we don't stack sponsors to a single child, like some larger organizations do.
We do how ever make exceptions where a family wishes to cover half the sponsorship and share their relationship with the child, with another family.  

Anyways all that being shared is that our sponsor list is bare, we have no back up sponsors on the list right now.
We do have a 1/2 a sponsorship available right now for an older boy, if a family wishes only to pay $30  month.

We are also praying about taking a few more children and increasing our numbers to possible 44.
In order for us to do that we need to feel that there is always a sponsor ready to help.

So if your interested in placing you name on a waiting list, go to this link and Mary will contact you with details about sponsoring.

One thing that we are asking is that you please pray about this consider the long term relationship with the child before making a commitment.

Lastly you don't have to sponsor a child to be of great help to us, you can help us cover staff salaries.
There is the electric bill too if you want help cover those type needs that aren't as popular and if you wish I'll write you "shocking" little letters from time to time thanking you for that ;).

Thank you for prayerfully considering these needs and letting us know.

Kit Carson