Sunday, June 28, 2015

New Begginings

I found out about these two young men last night.  One of our staff told us about them being orphaned and in a bad way not having anything to eat for a couple days.  So mom told the staff to let them know we have room for them.
Mother has died awhile ago and they presume dad to be dead as he went to work on a Thai fishing boat and have never heard from him again.  It's quite common for Thai fishing boats to kill migrant workers rather than pay them.

So I am excited because I told a young man two days ago that good things can come from bad things, I am excited to see what God has for these young men.
In the middle is Sitha he's 11 years old and in 5th grade.  His brother on the right is Sithon he's 9 in the 3rd grade.
Plus Sam and Joe's got a new class mates and brothers at home.  It's going to be fun to watch them transform.