Monday, July 27, 2015

A New Tab on the Left

The first ever Carson Family Support Tab is on the left.

As the projects here become self sufficient we are making a small effort to become so as well.

For the past 9 years we've been considered staff at our church and have had nothing to worry about. What a tremendous blessing it is to have been given such a wonderful gift.  I know so many missionaries would be jealous of such SOLID support as we've had.

As our kids get older Ream I feel the need to start reaching out for support that will help us cover need that are looming ahead.  Things like college or just getting old.

Our hopes is to just be there for little extras donors might have and not to have someone making a choice of support us or the projects.  Please projects first.

Keeping this the first and last post on the new tab short, if your interested the tab on the left will always be there, barring we don't have some unknown rich uncle leave us everything. ;)

Thank you for helping us continue this journey.