Monday, July 28, 2014

A Silly Prayer Need

Can you help pray for us the next 2 days.
It is Monday afternoon for us and we are putting on our first school carnival on Wednesday.

Like many things in Cambodia it's coming together late and mostly wrong.
We're confident it will come together.  It might be a bit rickety but as long as the kids have fun we'll call it successful.

We normally just do games and give candy out birthday style but the carnival idea's been something I've had on my heart for a long time and we're making a valid attempt at it.    

I can see the stress starting to creep in.  Please pray that we don't kill each other before it's done.
Please pray for the workers "welders" to finish what they've got on their plate.
Please pray that we'll have fair weather, the kids have fun and safety.

Thank you,
