Tuesday, November 5, 2013

7th, 8th and 9th

Last classes are small and the coolest ones

 Mine - Engly

 Mine - SreyRoth

 Mr. Borin


 Lovely Sorya my daughter Adah favorite 


 Legally blind and top of her class; very, very smart hoping to get her some help her sight.  Right now she can only see when her nose actually is touching the page.  She mostly learns my memorizing what is taught in class and studying later at home.

 Vanack, if you haven't met Vanack you should make it a point of doing so on your trip to Cambodia.


 My nephew

 Another nephew

 Srey Wut is mine 
we also built a house for her mother.  She is also my reason for doing the library at school

Seng Hua 



