Monday, November 18, 2013

Library Pictures

 Our Library is pretty much complete and the kids will have their first look this Wednesday after the holiday.

I saw a dinosaur book shelf in the net which was a really pretty small maybe 3 feet square.   So I thought cool idea but I could do better.  Needing shelves for the library everything worked out for the build.

Basically the over all length is maybe 20 feet long with the main shelves being only 12 feet or so.  The height is around 12 feet with the shelves only being 8 feet.

We also shaped the shelves to look like the dinosaur from the sides, top and bottom.    

Joe and Sam with a dino riding photo op.

A lot was lost in adding the books but I think the kids will still enjoy it. 

The only thing now is we have to reduce the humidity in there because it's curling the books.